AAOP Council Members
AAOP 2024-2025 Committees
Executive Committee
Chair: President: Mariona Mulet Pradera
President-Elect: Michele Schultz-Robins
Treasurer: Isabel Moreno Hay
Secretary: Brijesh Chandwani
Secretary-Elect: Thomas Weber
Council Chair: Jeffrey Goldberg
Council Vice-Chair: Robert Mier Executive
Director: Allan O’Bryan
Access to Care
Chair: Andres Pinto
Chair: Michele Schultz-Robins
The Budget Committee of the AAOP is responsible for strategic financial planning and oversight to ensure the Academy’s financial health and alignment with its mission. This committee develops the annual budget, allocates resources to support AAOP programs and initiatives, and collaborates with various committees to identify budget needs. Additionally, the Budget Committee oversees surplus funds, manages investments, and ensures transparency and accountability in financial practices to sustain the organization’s long-term growth and stability. The Committee is to present their proposed itemized budget for Council approval, 30 days prior to the Annual Meeting.
Constitution and Bylaws
Chair: Maureen Lang
Continuing Education Oversight Committee
Co-Chair: Gary D. Klasser
Co-Chair: (President-Elect) Michele Schultz-Robins
The Continuing Education Oversight Committee (CEOC) functions to oversee continuing education learning for the members of the AAOP and the community at large. The committee’s membership includes distinguished leaders, such as the past president and president-elect as co-chairs, along with the CERP compliance chair, the annual scientific meeting chairs, the poster committee chair for the scientific meeting, and the chairs of the Online Learning Committee and their team members. The CEOC’s goals are the following:
- Advance Professional Development -Drive ongoing growth across fields with exceptional in-person and online continuing education programs. We work closely with program and poster chairs to ensure each year’s annual scientific meeting offers enriching, relevant education.
- Guarantee Quality Standards -Maintain excellence in course design, delivery, and assessment, adhering to CERP compliance for all educational offerings.
- Expand Accessibility-Provide continuing education that is accessible to a wide range of professionals, supporting diversity and inclusion.
- Promote Lifelong Learning- Encourage a culture of continuous learning to inspire professionals in every stage of their careers.
- Stay Aligned with Industry trends- Utilize emerging technology to create innovative learning experiences that meet current industry needs and keep pace with evolving trends.
- Meet Regularly for Improvement-The Continuing Education Workgroup meets at least twice a year, including in person at the annual scientific meeting, to assess progress in online learning. Additional meetings are held electronically as needed.
- Evaluate and Review feedback from the annual scientific meeting within five months of its conclusion to continuously enhance our programs.
Program 2025 – Arlington, VA
Seema Kurup
Steven Bender
Program 2026 – Orlando, FL
James Hawkins
Nojan Bahktiari
Maria Hernandez
Online Learning
Fernanda Yanez
Ghabi Kaspo
Ethics and Grievances
Chair: Jennifer Bassiur
Co-Chair: Marcela Romero-Reyes
Co-Chair: James Hawkins
Advisor/Consultant: Gary D. Klasser
Industry Relations
Chair: Maram Taema
The industry relations committee’s purpose is mainly to promote collaboration among orofacial pain industry leaders and professionals to encourage innovation and growth in our field. We aim to support AAOP members in their professional development while contributing to the industry’s overall progress.
Our key activities include building partnerships and securing sponsorships for our annual meetings, participating in networking events, as well as supporting industry standards and best practices. Additionally, we work on addressing emerging trends and challenges, ensuring our members stay well-informed and ahead in this rapidly evolving field.
International Academy Liaison Committee
Chair: Ghabi Kaspo
Marketing and Communications Committee
Chair: Amittrej Virk
Membership/Member Relations
Co-Chair: Jasjot Sahni Co-Chair: Julie Robinson Smith
Mentorship Committee
Chair: Seema Kurup
The American Academy of Orofacial Pain (AAOP) Mentorship Program is designed to support all AAOP members, including students, researchers, physical therapists, and general dentists in the field of orofacial pain. This 9-month program connects mentees with experienced practitioners, providing personalized guidance that promotes knowledge sharing, clinical skill development, and professional growth. Participants engage in case discussions covering controversial topics and ethical dilemmas in a supportive environment, gaining insights into best practices and practical tips. In addition to one-on- one meetings with mentors, mentees benefit from daily insights, monthly activities, and valuable networking opportunities, which include an informal gathering of past and new participants at the annual Clinical and Scientific Meeting. Through these efforts, the AAOP Mentorship Program helps shape the next generation of experts in orofacial pain and advances the field as a whole.
Nominating Committee
Chair: Bob Mier
Past Presidents (Ad Hoc) Chair:
Donald Tanenbaum
Physical Therapy
Chair: Janey Prodoehl
The AAOP Physical Therapy committee is comprised of a few AAOP physical therapist (PT) affiliate members and one AAOP dentist member. The committee provides a communication bridge amongst AAOP dentist members, PT affiliate members, and the Physical Therapy Board of Craniofacial & Cervical Therapeutics (PTBCCT).The committee also facilitates inter-professional activities and disperses evidence based knowledge in the field of orofacial pain. It contributes educational content to AAOP’s scientific meetings and continuing education activities. In addition, the AAOP Physical Therapy committee will bring forward to AAOP any issues or concerns relevant to the field of orofacial pain.
Professional Relations
Chair: Sherwin Arman Publications
Chair: Lauren Levi
Chair: Ian Boggero
The research committee is dedicated to advancing the research arm of the American Academy of Orofacial Pain. Activities of the research committee are entirely donor-funded and include, but are not limited to, sponsoring an annual research grant award, providing letters of support for eligible research led by AAOP members, and providing feedback on research projects of research-oriented orofacial pain residents. We are always looking for new and creative ways to expand the research infrastructure of the AAOP. If you are interested in joining the committee, please email the committee chair and [email protected]. Membership on the committee is entirely voluntary and new members serve terms of 1 year or longer which begin in May of each calendar year. Acceptance to the committee depends on available space on the committee, and the only requirements for serving on the committee are AAOP membership and having a strong interest in advancing AAOP’s research presence.
Resident/Academic Training Committee
Co-Chair: Hong Chen
Co-Chair: Sowmya Ananthan
The R&AT Committee is dedicated to standardizing and improving predoctoral and postdoctoral education in orofacial pain and to supporting educators and trainees in the field of Orofacial Pain. The R&AT Committee responsible for:
- Monitoring and recommending pre-doctoral dental school curricula about orofacial pain and temporomandibular disorders (contact Predoctoral Subcommittee Chair Dr. Hong Chen for questions).
- Monitoring and recommending post-doctoral dental school curricula about orofacial pain and temporomandibular disorders and shall develop and operate an accreditation protocol for such programs (contact Postdoctoral Subcommittee Chair Dr. Sowmya Ananthan for questions).
- Representing the specific interests of new members, recent graduates, and participants of Post-doctoral Orofacial Pain programs (contact Dr. Maram Taema for questions).
Sleep Medicine
Co-Chair: Alex Vaughan
Co-Chair: Jeffry Shaefer
Strategic Plan Steering
Co-Chair: Nojan Bahktiari
Co-Chair: Maureen Lang