Introducing AAOP’s New Logo & Design
Dear AAOP Member,
We are excited to unveil the new logo and design for the American Academy of Orofacial Pain (AAOP), a fresh look that embodies our specialty and dedication to advancing the field of orofacial pain.
The updated design reflects our renewed energy and commitment to delivering cutting-edge education, supporting practitioners dedicated to enhancing the quality of life of those affected by orofacial pain, and the expanding role our profession plays in healthcare. The logo serves as a visual reminder of our shared mission to alleviate pain and suffering through the promotion of excellence in education, research and patient care.
Beginning with the 2025 membership renewals and annual meeting registrations, we will be implementing a new software database system. This change will streamline our website, membership portal, and member resources, allowing members to access all benefits through a single portal.
Thank you for your continued dedication and membership with AAOP. We appreciate your patience during this transition process.
Warm regards,
Mariona Mulet, DDS, MSĀ
President, American Academy of Orofacial Pain