Abstract Submission
The American Academy of Orofacial Pain (AAOP) invites all prospective attendees of the 2024 Annual Scientific Meeting to submit abstracts to be considered for poster or oral presentation during the Meeting that will take place on May 9-12, 2024, at the Talking Stick Resort in Scottsdale, AZ.
Please read the abstract guidelines carefully and follow the instructions provided. This year, submitted ABSTRACTS will be considered FOR either POSTER or ORAL PRESENTATION.
Mandatory Requirements:
- Abstracts must be original scientific material that has not been previously published or presented at any other national or international meeting.
- Abstracts should report completed investigations that contribute to education, research, and/or clinical practice.
- The presenting author of an accepted abstract must register for the meeting and is required to be present at the requested time by the organizing scientific committee.
- NEW! – This year, three abstracts will be selected for presentation in an oral session that will take place on Sunday, May 12, 2024.
Poster Session:
- Once an abstract is accepted for poster presentation, the presenting author will be required to submit an electronic file of the poster. Additionally, the poster submission must be accompanied by a short video file, of no more than 3 minutes duration, of the presenting author describing the research project.
- Posters will be displayed at the site of the annual meeting during the Friday and Saturday sessions.
- Accepted abstracts and subsequently developed posters and videos will be displayed online during the meeting and on the AAOP website for a period of time afterwards.
- Poster awards will be announced on Sunday, May 12, 2024. The videos of the awarded posters will be displayed then and a Q&A for the presenting authors will be held afterwards.
Oral Session (NEW!):
- This year, three abstracts will be selected for presentation in an oral session that will take place on Sunday, May 12, 2024.
- Once an abstract is accepted and selected for oral presentation, the presenting author will be notified of the time of the in-person presentation.
- Oral presentations should be 15 min in length. A Q&A for the presenting authors will be held afterwards.
- Please note that those abstracts accepted and selected for the oral session will NOT be part of the poster session, thus presenting authors will NOT have to submit a poster or video file.
- Three awards will be given:
– Two poster presentation awards:
- Best Research Study
- Best Case Report/Case Series
– One oral presentation award:
- Best Oral Presentation
- The winners will be announced on Sunday, May 12, 2024.
Submission Deadline
All abstracts must be received by February 15th, 2024. They should be submitted electronically via the AAOP website.
Submission Materials
Please read the abstract guidelines carefully and follow the instructions provided. All abstracts must be sent along with a completed submission form by selecting the links below.
All Abstracts must be sent along with a completed submission form
Upload your Abstract for acceptance along with the completed submission form
Upload – jpeg, pdf, pptx, ppt, doc, mp4 or mp3 – 50mb max upload.
Presenting authors will be informed by email regarding the acceptance or rejection of their abstract by March 8, 2024. Once the abstract has been accepted, the presenting authors will receive instructions on the submission of the poster and video file or will be notified of the time of the in-person oral presentation
Meeting Information
48th Scientific Meeting
May 9-12, 2024
If you need any further information, please feel free to contact us:
AAOP Central Office
3270 19th ST NW, Suite 109;
Rochester MN 55901
Phone: (609) 504-1311
Email: [email protected]
AAOP Poster Subcommittee Chair, Dr. Maria Hernandez
-Abstracts must be original scientific material that has not been previously published or presented at any other national or international meeting.
-The scientific committee will give high preference to original clinical or basic research abstracts of Randomized Controlled Trials and Observational Studies (cohort study, case-control study).
-Case reports and case series will be accepted only if the scientific committee determines that the material presented is of high interest and high-quality information.
Formatting of Abstracts
-The body of the abstract must not exceed 250 words, including acknowledgements and funding source, but excluding title, authors, and affiliation. If the abstract exceeds 250 words, it will be returned to the author to shorten it.
-The body of the abstract must contain the following sections IN THIS ORDER and labeled as noted below. Please do not label the title.
Additional Formatting Requirements
-Abstracts must be written in English language.
-Font should be Times New Roman, font size should be 12, and font color should be black.
-No tables or illustrations may be included in abstracts.
-Only generic drug names should be used.
-Results and conclusions should be included at the time of submission. If these are missing, the abstract will be rejected.