ABOPThe American Board of Orofacial Pain (ABOP) is an organization of dentists dedicated to enhancing the quality of care and service to the public through a validated certification process of dentists in the field of Orofacial Pain. Therefore, the ABOP represents the examining and certifying organization for qualified providers to meet the standards for appropriate orofacial pain care. The American Board of Orofacial Pain (AAOP) is the sole Certifying Board recognized by the American Academy of Orofacial Pain.

The American Board of Orofacial Pain (ABOP) was founded in 1994 in response to the need for a valid certification process for dentists practicing orofacial pain management. The ABOP is a registered non-profit organization, offering annual certification examinations to dentists who meet the current stated eligibility requirements. The American Board of Orofacial Pain is the sole Certifying Board recognized by the American Academy of Orofacial Pain (AAOP). Please contact ABOP at 401-560-3620 or [email protected] or visit

The AAOP and ABOP, while distinct organizations, shall maintain a close working relationship about the dental specialty of orofacial pain. The activities and working relationships of these organizations include:

  1. The ABOP recognizes the AAOP as the sole sponsoring organization of the dental specialty of orofacial pain and the ABOP.
  2. The AAOP recognizes the ABOP as the sole certifying board for the dental specialty of orofacial pain.
  3. Membership on the ABOP board of directors shall be in accordance with a prescribed method endorsed by the AAOP.
  4. The AAOP and ABOP shall submit to each other copies of any reports and or data that are required to be submitted to the NCRDSCB.
  5. The AAOP and ABOP shall jointly publicize CODA requirements which Board Examination candidates will be expected to meet.
  6. The AAOP recognizes certification via the ABOP examinations as a required credential for obtaining AAOP Fellowship status (post 2006).
  7. The AAOP encourages its qualified active members to take the ABOP examination.
  8. The ABOP encourages its Diplomates to consider the benefits of joining AAOP and attending the annual AAOP scientific meetings as the source of continuing education in the field of orofacial pain.
  9. AAOP and ABOP seek to cooperate under the tenants of this memorandum whenever possible and within the terms of their duly stated specific missions and intended goals for the promotion, growth and betterment of the field orofacial pain, an ADA recognized specialty.
  10. This Memorandum of Agreement may be amended as applicable, upon collaborative agreement between the AAOP and ABOP.

Please visit the ABOP at or call (410) 560 3620 .

The Board Exam

The ABOP administers a psychometrically developed and practice-related examination in the field of orofacial pain to qualified candidates. Dentists who have completed the ABOP credentialing process and examination will be issued certificates as certified by the American Board of Orofacial Pain and designated as Diplomates of the American Board of Orofacial Pain. A list of board-certified dentists is available on this website and in the ABOP central office for dissemination to the public.

Written and Oral Examination

The ABOP administers both a written and oral examination annually. Candidates who successfully pass this two-part examination will earn the designation of Diplomate of the American Board of Orofacial Pain with all the rights and privileges that come with that honor.

Part 1 of the certification examination is a written multiple-choice test consisting of two hundred (200) questions, administered over a four (4) hour period.

Part 2 of the examination process is an oral examination designed to determine how well a candidate’s didactic knowledge is integrated into patient care. Passing both Parts 1 and 2 is required to attain Diplomate status. Diplomate status is not conferred upon any individual who does not successfully pass both examinations.

All ABOP Diplomates are subject to recertification based on guidelines established by the ABOP. In addition to annual renewal fees, a recertification fee may be assessed every 5 years at which time Diplomates must present documentation of 100 hours of continuing education activity specific to the field of Orofacial Pain. These credits must be accumulated during the previous 5 years. (The fees quoted in this bulletin are subject to change.)

Eligibility Requirements:

  1. Candidates must be a dentist.
  2. Candidates must be currently enrolled in the second year of a two-year CODA accredited program, or have successfully completed such a program.
  3. Candidates must have first passed the written examination in order to challenge the oral examination.