Orofacial Sensory Disturbances and QST
(Quantitative Sensory Testing)

1.5 continuing education credits

Course Description

Temporomandibular Joint and its disorders are implicated in the causation of orofacial pain. Although the TMJ is a small joint compared with the joints in the rest of the body, it is intricate, and its study is complex. Plain radiographs, tomographs, and computed tomography all have their value in demonstrating the anatomy and the osseous morphology of the joint but fail to reveal the non-osseous components of the joint, especially the meniscus or disc. The use of magnetic resonance imaging led the way to our understanding of the anatomy and physiology of the joint in a way we could not by using any other imaging modality
This lecture will focus on the types of MR imaging currently utilized and the value of different pulse sequences to disorders related to disc displacement,  changes related to the synovium, the capsule, and the muscular and ligaments that are responsible for normal functionality of the joint. The lecture will focus on the conditions that may lead to pain and dysfunction of the TMJ  commonly known as  TMD.

Presenter Bio

Prof. Galit Almoznino, DMD, MSc MHA, MPH
Associate Professor, Head, Big Biomedical Data Research Laboratory,
Biostatistician and Epidemiologist, Specialist in Oral Medicine,
Head, Patient Care, Dean’s Office
Head, Orofacial Sensory, Taste, and Smell Clinic,
Department of Oral Medicine Sedation & Maxillofacial Imaging,
Member, Hadassah Medical Center Helsinki Committee,
Past President, Israeli Society of Oral Medicine (ISOM)
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Hadassah School of Dental Medicine Jerusalem, Israel
Lab website: https://www.almozninolab.com/

Prof. Almoznino, DMD, MSc MHA, MPH, is a biostatistician, epidemiologist, and Specialist in Oral Medicine. She is an Associate Professor of Oral Medicine at the Hebrew University and serves as the Head of, the Big Biomedical Data Research Laboratory, and the Head of the Orofacial Sensory Clinic as well as the Taste and Smell Clinic, Department of Oral Medicine, Hebrew University-Hadassah School of Dental Medicine. She is the past President of the Israel Society of Oral Medicine (ISOM) (2017-2018) and a member of the Hadassah Medical Center Institutional Review Board. Prof. Almoznino is a member of the Board of Examiners in the Oral Medicine Specialty in Israel. She is a member of the Hebrew University Center for Research on Pain, a roof organization uniting several research laboratories and clinics of the Hebrew University. Prof. Almoznino has over 25 years of academic research.
Publications list PubMed:
Lab website:

Recorded August 24th, 2024


Quiz - Orofacial Sensory Disturbances and QST

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Axonotmesis is

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Dysaesthesia is

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Evaluation - Did the webinar meet your learning objectives?

5 / 5

Evaluation - How confident do you feel in applying the subject matter discussed in your practice?

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  American Academy of Orofacial Pain is an ADA CERP Recognized Provider.  ADA CERP is a service of the American Dental Association to assist dental professionals in identifying quality providers of continuing dental education. ADA CERP does not approve or endorse individual courses or instructors, nor does it imply acceptance of credit hours by boards of dentistry. American Academy of Orofacial Pain designates this activity for continuing education credits.