2023 AAOP President’s Message

2023 AAOP President’s Message

Jeffrey I. Goldberg DDS MS MBA

Jeffrey I Goldberg

September 2023

It was immediately understood that, whatever we needed to get through this summer, the goals we had set for AAOP were not going to be compromised.

Every year I remark on the change that occurs going from August to September. It seems to me the sharpest corner we turn all year, as summer ends and we transition into the serious months ahead. Suddenly the kids are going back to school, those of us involved in academia as well, the holidays start to line up in front of us, and of course the days get shorter and colder. I recently heard someone say that August is like Sunday, which of course makes September a lot like Monday.

This year is a little different than most. The summer we had planned for AAOP did not play out as expected when we were confronted with some significant leadership challenges requiring us to employ a new executive director. The energy and enthusiasm coming out of our convention in May was restrained as we dealt with the issues at hand. Unfortunately, August was a month of meetings, difficult decisions, unexpected work, and shock and disappointment. That being said, the AAOP board whom I have the privilege of working with, could not have been more fantastic under the circumstances. I am amazed still to have seen this diverse group of busy, over-achieving professionals find the time and strength to come together and face these challenges. We all found ourselves in unfamiliar territory, reaching out for help where we needed it and dealing with matters we are not accustomed to. There is not a single member of the council who did not go above and beyond in our time of need.

I am amazed still to have seen this diverse group of busy, over-achieving professionals find the time
and strength to come together and face these challenges.

It was immediately understood that, whatever we needed to get through this summer, the goals we had set for AAOP were not going to be compromised. Our fantastic committees continue to tackle big projects as we build the foundation of our field. Our convention in Scottsdale is expected to be the best we have ever had, with outstanding speakers and programs and opportunities to learn from each other. In many ways, this transition has enabled us to break through on some initiatives like updating the website and improving some of our policies.

As we go forward, all of our Council members and committee chairs are putting in double the effort they anticipated, keeping the agenda on track and at the same time facilitating changes in the organization. We are committed to serving the AAOP members without disruption, and intend only to be better than we ever were before. If you are inspired to join the most outstanding team of individuals you may ever have the honor to work with, please let us know and we would be happy to help you get more involved.

As we turn the page and enter the month of September, I am looking forward to a great season ahead. A huge thank you to our interim director Allan O’Bryan, our attorney and accountant for their guidance, and most especially to the AAOP leaders. The future is brilliant!

Thank you to all who made our 2023 meeting a success!
We look forward to seeing you in Arizona!

May 9 – 12, 2024

Talking Stick Resort, Scottsdale, AZ